08 mayo, 2007

Always Sprinkle Pepper in your Hair

Always sprinkle pepper in your hair,

Always sprinkle pepper in your hair.
For then if you are kidnapped by a Wild Barbazzoop,
Who sells you to a Ragged Hag

who wants you for her soup,

She’ll pick you up and sniff you,
And then she’ll sneeze “Achooo,”
And say, “My tot, you’re much too hot,
I fear you’ll never do.”
And with a shout she’ll throw you out,
And you’ll run away from there,

And soon you will be safe at home a-sittin’ in your chair,

If you always, always, always,

Always, always, always, always,

Always, always sprinkle pepper in your hair.

Estaba hoy escuchando Cloverdale's Corner cuando escuché esta historia/rima, que resulta que si es real! aunque si lo buscais no lo encontrareis en muchos sitios.

La moraleja: Siempre rociate la cabeza con pimienta negra!

1 Comentario(s):

A las 09 mayo, 2007 10:38, Blogger 2Shailah escribió...

Bueno, a parti de ahora tratare de llevar siempre encima un poco d pimienta :P


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